P.T. was awarded a hard-earned admission to a premier academic institution in the United States. He was incredibly excited and immediately applied for a student visa to travel to the United States from Iran. Unfortunately, his happiness was short-lived as P.T. found himself waiting for the adjudication of his visa for over six months after his visa interview before he found Nimer Law.

P.T. was repeatedly informed that his case was under “administrative processing” and that nothing could be done to improve his situation. As a result, he suffered mentally, emotionally, financially, and professionally. P.T. found himself in danger of losing his admission and having his dreams crushed.

Thankfully, P.T. contacted Nimer Law and we worked swiftly. On December 6, 2019, we filed a lawsuit on his behalf to advocate for the adjudication of his visa application. We are thrilled to say that just one-month later P.T. had his visa issued on he was ready to travel to the United States to finally actualize his goals and dreams. We wish him the best in his endeavor.
